Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sounds of Silence

I've been seriously deliquent in my blog posting duties, but I have good excuses. It's been a busy few months.

I've been doing lots of crocheting. Here are two of seven recent/current projects (I said I was busy!)

Training for marathons and changing flat tires:

Introducing Calder to Fredericksburg, VA and Carl's ice cream:

And moving into our new apartment! (Garden Apartment of brownstone in the center. Enter through the black iron gate right from the street!)

And planning our trip to New Zealand (in less than 60 days, OMG)

So I haven't cooked anything new or interesting lately. We've just been so busy, I've been cooking basic stuff that I don't feel is worth sharing. Do you really want to know about the bowl of cereal I had for dinner last night? :)  I have a bunch of things I want to try so recipe posts will resume soon. Of course, now the heat has come and cooking is like the last thing you want to do in a tiny NYC apartment when it's 90 degrees out. It's a loosing battle with the air conditioner...

Next up: A crafty post and a running post in the near future...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Memorial Day Juicy Lucy…Or, “Putting cheese inside a burger is a bad idea – it’s Too delicious.”

“What’s a Juicy Lucy,” you ask? An amazing creation from Minneapolis – a cheeseburger with a secret cheese pocket inside the meat patty rather than on top. YUM! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Seriously people, is there anything better than fresh, juicy, blood-red strawberries? For as long as I can remember, these have always been my number one favorite fruit, no contest. When I was a tiny tot, I can remember there being wild strawberries in our backyard and I would just die to get my hands on them. I would stare at them in wonder. The red fruit growing in the grass just seemed so crazy to me. They were tiny tiny little things, but they sure tasted good.
Strawberries are often a letdown for me these days. The store-bought variety always looks so promising but fails to deliver. The season is just so short here though and I can’t possibly be expected to live without strawberries for an entire year, can I? Oh the humanity.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pasta Primavera…Or, “I ate too much meat this weekend”

Well really, who doesn’t love a good pasta primavera?  Primavera means spring in Italian, so I suppose this is supposed to include spring-time veggies? I don’t know.  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chocolate Hazelnut spread...Or, Heaven in a jar

Who doesn't love Nutella? I first had it sometime in college or shortly thereafter. It apparently first became available in the US back in 1983, but I suspect it was only available in speciality markets at that time. Fortunately, it seems to have gone more mainstream, with most grocery stores maintaining a decent stock. Hallelujah!

According to the Nutella USA website, Pietro Ferrero created Nutella during hard times in Italy during WWII.  Chocolate was quite expensive so he used ground-up hazelnuts to add substance and flavor so he could reduce the proportion of chocolate needed.  Signore, I salute your ingenuity!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Butternut Squash Lasagna…or “It has vegetables in it so it must be healthy, right?”

Well, the jury is still out on the dietary pros and cons of this dish. I meant to enter the recipe into a calorie counter, but got too nervous about what the results might be, so it never happened.  I’d venture to guess, however, that it is no worse for you than traditional lasagna and maybe, just maybe, it is better given the addition of squash, which is oh-so-tasty and has plenty of good nutrients and benefits (a girl can dream).  Either way, how can you go wrong with the classic butternut squash and sage combination, especially when you throw in browned butter and cheese!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vegetarian Tikka Masala…or, “How can I use this leftover tomato soup and fresh cilantro?”

Tomatoes and fresh cilantro are two of my favorite things.  Although, I suspect that most recipes I will post here will contain a line or two with me proclaiming, “[insert edible item here] is one of my favorite things!!”

I digress.


I have been thinking about starting a cooking blog for a while. So today is the day. There's a lot of behind the scenes stuff I need to figure out about blogger though, so don't judge too harshly.  Like, how do I add a nice little print feature to the post? Hmm...

Warning: this might not always be just about cooking... I have a good crochet project I want to brag about.  And we're going to New Zealand in September. I'm sure I'll have lots to share about that!

Also, in case you were wondering, "Mappine" is pronounced, "Mah-PEEN" It's Americanized (butchered)Italian slang for dishtowel. No, I didn't get the phrase from Rachael Ray, she stole it from my mom.